Space Opera Readme file

Thanks for downloading the Space Opera game. The file SpaceOpera.jar contains this readme file, the source code, the compiled classes (compiled with IBM's JDK 1.4.1). The SpaceOpera_Resources.jar contains animations, effects and the images.

As of version JDK 1.4. or later is recommended. You also need JMF 2.1.1 and Xerces on your machine.

How to install Space Opera:

1) Create a working directory like

2) Store the SpaceOpera.jar file in this working directory

3) Unpack the SpaceOpera_Resources.jar into this working directory.

Run the Space Opera from the jar-file: 

1) Enter the following command:

java -jar SpaceOpera.jar

and have fun!

How to edit, modify and compile the source:

1) Extract the files from both jar-files. This will create the following directories:

/home/lorenz/spaceopera/source/ - this is the source directory
/home/lorenz/spaceopera/spaceopera/ - this is the classes directory
/home/lorenz/spaceopera/images/ - this is the images directory
/home/lorenz/spaceopera/animations/ - the animations
/home/lorenz/spaceopera/config/ - the configuration
/home/lorenz/spaceopera/effects/ - sound effects
/home/lorenz/spaceopera/music/ - music (currently empty)

2) Modify the source in the source directory, add new multimedia files

3) Now you can compile the source files with javac *.java with your own JDK. Move the class files to the classes directory to run them.

4) now you can run the game from the commandline

5) go to the working directory, i.e. /home/lorenz/spaceopera

6) call the program with 'java spaceopera.SpaceOpera'

7) have fun!

How to create a new distributable *.jar file:

1) The file MANIFEST.MF specifies which class contains the main() method.

2) Create the first jar-file with the following command: 
        jar -cvfm SpaceOpera.jar MANIFEST.MF spaceopera source license readme.txt.

3) Create the second jar-file with the following command:
        jar -cvfm SpaceOpera_Resources.jar animations config effects images music

How to upload a directory to CVS:

1) Define the transport protocol for CVS (for a Linux Shell): 
        export CVS_RSH=ssh

2) Define CVSROOT for a Linux shell: 

3) Upload the current directory 'sample' to sourceforge: 
        cvs import sample user start

How to upload a file to the project homepage:

1) Log into a shell on sourceforge:  
        ssh -l loginname

2) Upload localfile to your projects' webspace:    
        scp localfile

If you run into problems look into the newsgroups or the bug reports in SpaceOpera on SourceForge

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Last update: 30.3.2004